• 2018-2019 School Year is off to a quick start!
    Hall Fall Ya'll!  Career Coaching is in full swing this school year. I am excited for this year's 8th graders looking forward to not only the next 4 years but after high school graduation as well!
    Each social studies class has participated in lesson 1, lesson 2 is all through the rest of September and October. Check out the calendar to the right to see the next time I visit YOU!


    2017 Field trip!


    Ms. Ruis's gifted students and our SOAR program students enjoyed a field trip to Florida Gateway College in Lake City to check out the Arts, Computer Science, and Engineering programs!

    We also welcomed Ms. Rebecca Golden and Mr. Brian Lloyd from FGC to speak to all 8th grades here on campus about two ways to earn college credit WHILE IN HIGH SCHOOL! Dual Enrollment and Career Pathways!

    The requirements for dual enrollment at the high school is a 3.0 gpa and a certain score on the ACT. Career Pathways credits are earned through the many job training classes such as logistics and office assistant! Remember these opportunities when scheduling your classes!

    10 Things for High-School Students to Remember

    by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.

    Believe it or not, if you’re in high school right now, you’re at a great point in your life. You have your whole life in front of you. And now is a good time to start thinking about your future, to make some initial plans; just remember that plans can be easily changed. Remember too, that experts predict that the average person will change careers — not just jobs — more than five times in his or her lifetime. Now is the time to pursue your dreams!

    And as you start thinking about one or more potential educational and career paths, here are 10 things to remember in the days ahead.

    1. Take time to think about what you like to do; dream and imagine ideal careers. There are so many opportunities, so many different types of jobs and careers in a wide variety of industries — and there are also other career paths that are just emerging. Even if you are fairly sure of a career choice, take the time in high school to explore similar (or even vastly different) careers. Explore all your options. Examine your likes and dislikes and take a few career-assessment tests. Answer the question, if you could have any job right now, what would it be — and why? Don’t let any barriers hold you back from finding the perfect career.

    2. Challenge yourself in high school, but don’t overwhelm yourself. Do get the most out of high school as possible. When you can, take the tough and challenging schedule of classes; you’ll learn more — and it will look good to the college admissions staff. Obviously, you need to stay focused on getting good grades, but don’t overload your schedule — or yourself — so that it makes you sick or burnt out. Be sure to include at least one fun course in your schedule.

    3. Work, volunteer, or otherwise gain some experience.As with your education, the more you are exposed to, the more options will open to you as you search out careers. There are even a growing number of internship opportunities for high-school students. Seek work and volunteer experiences in and out of school. And from a practical standpoint, work experience looks good on college applications — and on future job applications and resumes. And one other benefit if you are working in a paid position: spending money! Just remember that school and grades have to come first, so only work if you can balance your schedule, manage your time.

    4. Get as much education as you can. We are now a society in which many jobs and careers require additional education or training beyond high school. Some careers even require a graduate degree before you can work in the field. Take advantage of all educational opportunities that come your way, such as summer educational opportunities and educational trips abroad. If financially possible — and there are many ways to help make it so — attend college; college graduates make a much higher salary, on average, than high-school graduates.

    5. Talk with as many adults as possible about careers and colleges. The best way to find out about different careers is to ask people — family, neighbors, friends, teachers, counselors — to tell you about their career and college experiences. If you have not already, begin to build a network of adults who know you and are willing to assist you in your educational and career endeavors. And for careers that truly interest you, consider asking each person if you can shadow him/her at work. You could also consider conducting informational interviews at the same time as the shadowing, or as a less intrusive method of learning more about jobs and careers.

    6. Remember that everyone must follow his or her own path in life. Don’t spend too much time worrying what other people in your high school are doing — or letting their opinions about your dreams and ambitions affect your decision. And don’t worry if you leave high school with no clear career path — that’s partly what college is all about, discovering who you are and what you want to do in life. Everyone develops/matures/grows at their own pace, so don’t feel the need to rush to make a decision now… but don’t use the fact that you have plenty of time to make a decision as an excuse not to at least start learning and researching potential career options.

    7. People change; don’t feel locked into any college or career now. It’s great to have an ideal plan for your life, but remember that things happen, and your plans may need to change… so keep an open mind — and keep your options open. Some of your friends — or perhaps you — already know, or think you know, what you want to do in life. If so, that’s fantastic, but don’t become so myopic that you lose sight of other interesting opportunities. There are career paths that have not even started today that may be big in five or more years.

    8. Don’t let anyone control your dreams and ambitions.You will be horribly miserable at best if you let a parent or other family member dictate your major or your career. Students often feel pressure to follow in an adult family member’s career path, especially if s/he is footing the bill for college, but the worst thing you can do is choose a career to please someone else.

    9. It’s never too early nor too late to get organized and begin making plans. No matter where you are in high school, now is the time to plan the remainder of your high-school years — as well as your plans after high school. Research your options for after graduation — technical schools, community colleges, four-year universities, etc. Start or continue your preparation for the various standardized tests (such as the SAT and ACT). Start thinking about teachers who might be willing to write letters of recommendation for you — and approach them when the time is near. Finally, make plans to fill any gaps in your plans — such as striving for better grades, taking tougher courses, gaining experience, or earning community-service hours.

    10. Never stop learning… read, grow, and expand your mind. Don’t pass-up opportunities to learn and experience new things. Many teachers offer or assign summer and supplemental reading lists — look at these as opportunities for growth rather than a drag on your summer. The more you read, the more you’ll know. It’s a cliche, but knowledge is power.

    Final Thoughts About High School

    High school is a real transition time for teens, as you move into adulthood and the more adult issues of work, careers, and college. It should be a time of growth as well as a time of challenge. Have fun, but get the best education you can so that you are positioned to take advantage of further educational opportunities… and no matter where you go after high school, never stop learning and growing.

    QuintCareers.com Founder Dr. Randall HansenDr. Randall S. Hansen is founder ofQuintessential Careers, one of the oldest and most comprehensive career development sites on the Web, as well CEO ofEmpoweringSites.com. He is also founder of MyCollegeSuccessStory.comandEnhanceMyVocabulary.com. He is publisher ofQuintessential Careers Press, including the Quintessential Careers electronic newsletter, QuintZine. Dr. Hansen is also a published author, with several books, chapters in books, and hundreds of articles. He’s often quoted in the media and conducts empowering workshops around the country. Finally, Dr. Hansen is also an educator, having taught at the college level for more than 15 years. Visit hispersonal Website or reach him by email atrandall(at)quintcareers.com. Check out Dr. Hansen on GooglePlus.

    Adapted from www.kuder.com/2015/10/spooky-careers/

    Maybe You Want to Embrace the Spooky?
    by Jesse Akers

    I thought X-Files did a great job of demonstrating how even scaredy cats can end up working in very creepy circumstances, but have you considered pursuing your interest of all things "spooky" through your career? Below are some ideas.

    Morticians, undertakers, and funeral directors are all experiencing below average growth. Not to knock this line of work but, according to O*NET data, these careers are kind of dying!

    “Don’t go in there, it’s dangerous!” Does that phrase immediately trigger an involuntary impulse to go in there? Why suppress those feelings when you can make a living at it?

    Hazardous material removal workers earn some of the highest entry-level wages, and while specializations abound, a high school diploma is generally all that’s required to get a start in this field. Whether you’d like to specialize in biomedical, chemical, mold, or become more of a master-generalist, there are many possibilities out there.

    Pest control workers ensure that we are safe from all things creepy and crawly. “SQUASH IT,” “SMASH IT,” and “KILL IT,” EEEEEEK … Who you gonna call? Well, even if you aren’t a Ghostbuster, you can trap, relocate and exterminate things many fear worse than the paranormal – rats, bats, spiders, cockroaches, and more!

    You suit up, grab your equipment, and rush out the door. You investigate, assess the situation, and come up with the best solution; what could be closer in description to a Ghostbuster? You may have different tools than the proton pack or ecto-goggles, but you still get the job done.

    One of the faster growing occupations, this is another example of a great career path that generally only requires a high school diploma or equivalent at the entry-level.

    Interested in a spooky career? Go for it!

    All occupations serve a meaningful purpose. That’s why it’s important to find a career path that suits you. If that means you work in a field that others find spooky, creepy, or gross, then celebrate it!

    MyCareerShines.org is now LIVE!
    The Florida Department of Education realizes that career development and planning is ESSENTIAL to improving the American workforce's ability to obtain high demand, high wage jobs in today's world. MyCareerShines is an online program provided by the Florida DOE FREE for all Florida residents.

    By the year 2020, 75% of jobs will require training or schooling BEYOND a high school diploma! Baker County Middle School's current 8th grade class IS the class of 2020! Planning and exploring job fields will help these students complete available programs in high school so that when they graduate, they may already have training beyond a high school diploma and ready to join the workforce!

    The Navigator is available for grades 6-12. You can access your child's account by going to MyCareerShines.org. Your students' login and password should be the same as their school login and password.

    Please continuously talk to your child about what they are learning and how it will help them choose a career that aligns with their interests and life goals!
    Welcome to Career Pathways!
    What is Pathways? Pathways is a class where we will learn more about careers and jobs that interest you and discovering what skills you will need to achieve your dream! Especially to help you understand grants and scholarships that are available! Take Stock in Children Scholarship will be awarded this year for 8th graders that qualify! TSIC is TWO YEARS FREE at Florida Gateway College! Wow!

    Why Pathways? Florida has passed a bill, Senate Bill 1076, that requires every middle schooler in Florida to complete an internet based, individualized, career plan.

    What is individualized? Each 8th grader will have a DIFFERENT plan based on what interests YOU.

    What are we exploring? Careers, schools, military, certificates, vocational. I will emphasis a career in a HIGH DEMAND job that you are interested in.
    Take Stock in Children Scholarship is a two year scholarship to Florida Gateway College. This scholarship is given by the Baker County Educational Fund, which majority of the donations come straight from Baker County teachers' and administrators' paychecks!

    These scholarship applications will be available about February. Announcement of the winners will be at the 8th grade Award Ceremony in May.

     Career Corner newsletter.pdf
    Career Corner October 2013 Newsletter
     Career Pathways Overview BCMS.ppt
    PowerPoint presentation orienting students to the Career Pathways process.
     Career Pathways parent meeting.pptx
    Emily Clevenger presented Career Pathways information at the 8th grade Parent Night in October. Here are the slides in case you missed that meeting!