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Legacy Announcements
It's time to get your new Legacy T-shirt! Click on this link to get your own Legacy T-Shirt or Hoodie. Time's almost up!
School Safety and Auxillary Serivces Please click this link to view a PDF of our safety procedures.
Family Empowerment Scholarship Notification:
Pursuant to section 1002.394(6), Florida Statutes, all households within our district receiving free or reduced priced meals may be eligible to participate in the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program. Please click here to visit the Florida Department of Education webpage for more information. You may also click here for Family Empowerment Scholarship options.Please contact Traci Wheeler, by phone, 904-259-6776, or by email traci.wheeler@bakerk12.org to obtain information about the scholarship.
FortifyFL Suspicious Activity Reporting App
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials. For more information, you may visit the FortifyFL website by clicking on the following link. https://getfortifyfl.com/
Welcome to Legacy Elementary School - Home of the Legacy Lions!
Legacy Elementary’s mission is to provide an educational environment which will encourage a lifelong desire for learning, enhance creativity, and provide the personal skills needed for a successful, happy, and productive future.Legacy Elementary's vision is to prepare individuals to be lifelong learners, self-sufficient, and responsible citizens of good character.Learning with Pride...Leaving a Legacy
R- Respectful Actions, O- Only Safe Behavior, A- Always Do Your Best, R- Responsible Choices