• Dear Parents and Students:

    We are excited about the Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs that we are offering at Baker County High School.  There are now 17 different career clusters that students can choose a career pathway and BCHS offers programs in 10 of those areas.  On the side bar, you will see the career clusters that have programs available for students to explore.  With each of our programs, we offer a minimum of 3 different courses and when a student completes all three they are considered a "Program Completer".  Program completers receive a colored cord at graduation that recognizes this accomplishment.  Students are also given the opportunity to take a Post-secondary Industry Certification that correlates with their program and in most cases articulates to college credit at Florida Gateway College.  Students who pass their industry certification will receive a medal to be worn at graduation for accomplishing this difficult task.  Our CTE teachers are working extremely hard to provide every student with as many opportunities to explore their programs' career fields and allow students to experience work-based learning opportunities. Our programs are equipt with industry-aligned training labs and we are striving to work closely with our business and industry partners.

    There are so many benefits that come from students being engaged in CTE programs.  Studies show that CTE students have better school attendance and higher academic success that students who do not participate in career training (MRS, 2000).  CTE students can also earn the Bright Futures Gold Seal Scholarship if they complete their program with a 3.5 GPA and students have the opportunity to collaborate with students across the state through the CTE organization.  Our career specialists and guidance counselors are on staff to help students navigate a career path beyond high school and build a clear path to a high-skill, high-wage career.  We look forward to serving your student in one or more of our CTE programs.           


    Carrie Dopson

    Director, CTE