Virtual Instruction Program:
Notice to Parent/Guardian and Student,
In accordance with F.S. 1003.498, F.S. 1001.42, F.S. 1002.37 and F.S. 1002.45, Florida school districts are required to provide students with the opportunity to enroll in a full-time Virtual Instruction Program (VIP). All eligible students in grades K-12 have the right to participate in full-time and part-time virtual instruction programs (VIP). Primary virtual curriculum options available through Baker County My District Virtual School include, District Virtual Instructional Providers, FLVS franchise and curriculum provider K12 Inc., or the statewide Florida Virtual School.
Enrollment in part-time virtual courses may be requested by contacting your student's school counselor.
As a reminder, policies regarding the Virtual Instruction Program can be found in the Baker County School District Student Progression Plan.