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The Baker County School District Mission and Vision Statements:
The Baker County School District is committed to meeting the needs of all students in a safe, nurturing, and encouraging environment. The Baker County School District involves parents, students, teachers, and community members in the process of determining goals that meet student needs.
The vision of the Baker County School District is to prepare individuals to be lifelong learners, self-sufficient, and responsible citizens of good character.
District Announcements
2024-2025 District Teacher of the Year:
Congratulations to our very own Mrs. Karlie Hodges who has been selected to represent our district at the state level as our 2025 District Teacher of the Year! Karlie is a 4th Grade ELA teacher at Legacy Elementary and has been teaching for the past five years. The selection committee noted her commitment to building the confidence of learners in her classroom while providing clear expectations and structure. We are so proud of her! Congratulations Karlie!!
- Superintendent Wyatt Milton -
2024-2025 District School Related Employee of the Year:
Mr. Crews was hired in 1991 at the bus garage and has been employed for the past 33 years. He currently serves as Shop Supervisor and has been voted as the Transportation Department's School Related Employee of the Year FIVE times. He embodies a man who has spent his career dedicated to serving the children of Baker County. We are pleased to have him represent us. Thank you Terry for all that you do each and every day. We can't teach them if we can't get them to school.I would like to once again congratulate all of our School Related Employees of the Year. Thank you for all you do to make this school system flourish!
- Superintendent Wyatt Milton -
Baker County Virtual School:
You may visit our new Baker County Virtual School webpage by going to Departments, then click Baker County Virtual School. -
School Attendance Zones for Grades 1-5:
New School Attendance Zones for Grades 1-5 at Macclenny Elementary School, Westside Elementary School, and Legacy Elementary School.
You may click on the link above to access an interactive school attendance zones map. You can enter your home address to view which attendance zone the address corresponds to. Once you have opened the map, you can click the search icon (magnifying glass) and enter an address. You can also zoom in and out of the map to view all proposed zones. -
Now Hiring:
New Worlds Reading Initiative:
Your child may be eligible to participate in Florida’s first statewide book delivery program. The New Worlds Reading Initiative will deliver a free book each month of the school year to students who enroll in the program. For more info on eligibility, visit newworldsreading.com.
Family Empowerment Scholarship Notification:
Pursuant to section 1002.394(6), Florida Statutes, all households within our district receiving free or reduced priced meals may be eligible to participate in the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program. Please click here to visit the Florida Department of Education webpage for more information. You may also click here for Family Empowerment Scholarship options.Please contact Traci Wheeler, by phone, 904-259-6776, or by email traci.wheeler@bakerk12.org to obtain information about the scholarship.
District Business Partners
Baker County Farm Bureau Insurance
Tobacco Free Baker
Equitable Advisors (John “Jack” McKivigan and Stephen Harrison)
Baker County Medical Services, Inc.
(Ed Fraser Hospital, Dopson Family Medical Center,
W. Frank Wells Nursing Home, Baker Rural Health Clinic)
First Federal Bank of Florida
Margaret L. Romeo, DMD PA
ValuTeachers (Bobby & Janice Hancock)
Florida Power & Light
Globe Life
New Day Dental
Tru-Fi Credit Union
Important Information
The Florida Department of Education has created a Parental Rights webpage. You may access this resource webpage here.
Step Up for Students:
Click here for a link to Step Up for Students.
FortifyFL Suspicious Activity Reporting App:
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials. For more information, you may visit the FortifyFL website by clicking on the following link. https://getfortifyfl.com/
Public records request may be made verbally, in writing, by electronic mail, telephone, fax, letter, or in person. Public record requests may be directed to the Public Records Custodian, Baker County District Schools, 270 South Boulevard East, Macclenny, Florida 32063, ATTN: PRR; Phone: 904-259-0401; E-mail: public-records-request@bakerk12.org; Fax 904-259-1387. Baker County District Schools complies with the state statute for public records according to Chapter 119.It is the policy of the Baker County School District that all of its students and employees have an educational and work setting that is free from harassment and bullying of any kind. The District will not tolerate bullying or harassment of any type. More here...
SESIR Data (School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting)
Title IX
The Baker County School District prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or legally-protected characteristic in its programs and activities including employment opportunities.
Reporting Fraud:
To report fraud please send an email to: fraud@bakerk12.orgThe Baker County School District would like to remind everyone of the importance of reporting concerning behaviors through the appropriate channels. We encourage everyone to use the resources posted below to report any concerns or potential threats to our school district. If a direct or indirect threat is shared on a person’s social media account, then that person is committing a criminal act by violating Florida State Statutes 790.162, 790.163, and/or 836.10 and are subject to the penalties listed therein. If a person knowingly uses the appropriate avenues of reporting concerning behaviors and threats to make a false report, then that individual is in violation of state statute 837.05 and subject to the penalties listed therein. Please remember to REPORT, NOT REPOST!!
Please click here for more information